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An overview of client services:

White Papers
We work with clients to develop thought-leadership white papers, often based on original research, specifically designed to fill the top and middle of the marketing-sales funnel with interested eyeballs and marketing qualified leads.

Often the e-book format works well in analysis of complex topics, breaking elements into easily understood segments and augmented with engaging graphics, charts and tables. It can be a dynamic alternative to a white paper.

Bylined articles
Working in conjunction with PR departments, HosfordGroup develops compelling, informative and stirring op-ed opinion pieces that place clients in the forefront of industry issues.
On the web, images are nice but words are essential. We work with clients of every kind—corporate, industrial, association, professional—to maximize sites with targeted, compelling text in sync with corporate and product identities, and appropriate calls to action that drive engagement.
From LinkedIn to Forbes to every conceivable trade or consumer publication and website, edgy, opinionated, controversial blogs predominate. HosfordGroup finds a whole new tone for your blogs, to grab the reader and engage.
Sales collateral
Marketing can only go so far, and then sales takes over. These days, in fact, marketing and sales are two sides of the same dynamic coin. Sales needs collateral materials that are both marketing approved and provide strong conversions.
Case studies
Informed theory is always good, but a concrete example really gets the sales lead blood flowing. HosfordGroup clients make sure illustrative case studies and best practcices are well distributed as key conversation tools.
On behalf of Advertising Age, BtoB magazine and corporate clients, we have participated in countless webinar presentations—often as a moderator or panelist—in working to refine the marketing purpose, ensure compelling content (script and graphics), and promote optimal viewer engagement.